Aloha Goddess,
Thank you for being here.
My name is Samantha Fox Olson. I live in East Tennessee with my husband, our teenage daughter, and our Belgium Malinois after a big move across the country from Kauai, Hawaii in 2022.
I have coached women in some form of athleticism for over 30 years! It’s my passion and my love to support women in falling in love with their bodies and reclaiming their power.
I’ve led transformational retreats for over a decade, I’ve earned the highest certification as a yoga instructor, I’ve led yoga teacher trainings, have taught yoga and fitness to the likings of highly successful entrepreneurs, peak performing athletes, injured elders and celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston.
I currently help women all around the world achieve the body of their dreams and live an empowered life they love.
Curious About
working With Me?
I help women all around the world achieve the body of their dreams and live a life they love. From home. No Gym Required.
Fit Life 40+
Group Program
- Attention women over 40 looking to lighten up, tighten up and live in a body you love. This 12 week group program is for you if you are ready to reconnect to a more energized version of yourself, learn & APPLY the fundamentals required for muscle gain and fat loss, WITHOUT fad dieting or going to a gym unless you want to.
One-On-One Mentorship

- This is the most personalized way to work with Samantha from a distance and is perfect for you if you desire a very personalized plan that’s made 100% for you, to reach you specific body goals. Maybe you require a more personalized plan due to food allergies/preferences and/or limitations in your fitness due to injuries. Maybe you have a special event planned (wedding, vacation, reunion) and you want to hit this out of the park. This program is also for you if you if you are a highly successful woman in all areas of your life, except you know it has been at the expense of taking care of your body. It’s time to take care of you goddess and truly have it all!
Personalized Wellness Retreat In East TN

- Imagine a 3-7 day, personalized retreat where you come to East Tennessee for personal training from Samantha! These dream vacations can be personalized in many ways. Do you want to learn more about nutrition, do you want to hike and play in nature, do you want to activate your fitness and fat loss and reconnect to yourself? The possibilities are endless. State your goals and let Samantha do the rest.
Woman’s Yoga & Fitness Retreats

- Experience the magic and miracle of YOU, and nature, on the daily… rest, reset, rejuvenate goddess! LAKE MICHIGAN is like no other lake I have ever experienced in my lifetime. It’s expansive, it’s refreshing, it’s inviting, it’s healing. It feels like the ocean. And did I mention…. PRIVATE BEACH?! WE ARE GOING TO DRENCH OURSELVES IN THE PULSATION OF ALIVENESS THAT’S WITHIN US, And activate that energy to the next level! But don’t simply take my word for it. Listen to what other’s have shared about retreating with me at other venues in the past…
What The Goddesses Are Saying:

“Thanks Samantha Fox Olson for helping me achieve an ass I never thought I could have!I turned 46 today and I feel great. I wore a bikini to the lodge hot tub last night (hubby took me to timberline for an overnight getaway) and I felt confident and sexy.
More importantly I felt strong on the slopes today. Felt great. Xoxo”

“Samantha working out with you is a whole new experience of just drenching the body with love no matter what exercise, which then carries on for the rest of the day.
Samantha, you help me marry my soul with my body… that’s the best was to describe it!
That is a true gift.”

I lost 19 pounds in the first 40 days of working with Samantha!
Additionally, I went from having to take ibuprofen daily, to not at all! Samantha’s programs work magic.
The best part about it is that my relationship with food has forever changed.