glute exercisesI love working my glutes! Squats and lunges are great exercises to lift yo’ booty, but if you are not mixing it up and keeping it creative, chances are you will get bored and it may start feeling like a chore to show up to your workouts.

I have a cure for that! Keep it fun, keep it playful, mix it up, and find those exercises that show you results!

These 2 exercises are creative and they will have your glutes on fire!

Keep reading for the step by step instructions and activate them with my tips to really make them come alive with muscle building, fat blasting potential!

A Workout To Tone Your Glutes

After warming yourself up start with Exercise #1 Pictured above. This is a standing exercise and will challenge your balance and your core strength as well. Here is how you will rock the first exercise:

  • Start this exercise balancing on one leg with your hands at your hips.
  • Bend your supporting leg deeply, extend your back leg long, and lift it parallel to the floor. (Make sure you are not collapsing in your shoulders here too. Keep your upper arm bones in the back plane of your body.)
  • Lift and tone your low belly. Keeping that, extend down wildly from your pelvis down through the supporting leg bones and anchor powerfully into your standing heel. This action alone will really fire up your glutes on that side. Keep rooting into that heel the entire set.
  • Exhale and take your back knee in to meet the supporting bend knee.
  • Inhale, keeping your supporting leg bent and your heel heavy extend your top leg back long. Lift your quad muscle up from knee to pelvis and squeeze your outer hip muscles in. If you wanna challenge your balance, extend your arms forward with the inhale. If your balance is already being challenged, keep your hands at your hips.
  • Repeat this 10 times, do the other side, and then lengthen out your low back with a few breaths in down dog before transitioning onto exercise #2.

The Second Exercise

  • Come sitting on your left hip and tuck your feet to the side as pictured above.
  • Take your left hand to the floor, wrist crease parallel to the short edge of your sticky mat.
  • Inhale and slowly lift your hips off the floor, simultaneously extend your right leg to the side keeping your right knee cap facing forward.
  • Hug the muscles of the legs into the bones, lift the quads up from your knees into your hips and squeeze your top glute muscles firmly. Extend your right arm to the side as your lift.
  • Exhale and come back to your side seat very slowly. Those last few inches when your pelvis is almost to the floor is where it counts the most for the left side here. Do not flop to the floor. Lower slowly and with control, touching down for just a slight moment before lifting back up.
  • Repeat this 15 times on each side. Cycle through 2 sets of this exercise.

Stretch Out!

Make sure your stretch your body when pau. A few great options after this short workout include:

  • pigeon pose with your forearms on the earth
  • windshield wiper supine twist
  • fire log pose or a criss cross seated pose with a forward bend.

Lemme know how you do! Rock on sun shines and make sure you register my newsletter for more free, creative and effective workouts sent to your inbox!