I love yoga and high intensity training! Duh. These disciplines both have many benefits when practiced individually; but when practiced together your body will experience new levels of potential!
Yoga works mostly slow twitch muscle fibers; but do you know that approximately 50% of our muscle fibers are fast/super fast twitch muscle fibers? This means that 50% of your body’s muscle potential may be left unchallenged if your only practice is yoga. Being a die-hard yoga junkie, I played just in that world for about 10 years. About 4 years ago I branched out and took all the amazing, fabulous things I loved about yoga, and spiked it up by adding weight training and high intensity interval training.
I now strategically weave plyometrics, high intensity interval training and unique strength training exercises into my fitness classes to strengthen the muscle fibers that get under challenged in yoga. And my body feels more alive now at 39 than I did when I was 29! That is why I am so fired up about sharing such a synergistic blend of movement and play for optimal health and vibrancy!
Benefits Of Yoga And Fitness
Yoga teaches us optimal alignment, body awareness, and balance; and gives us the space to slow down and notice sensations and feelings in our bodies. Priceless! Fitness gifts us power, agility and endurance. Awesome!
Yoga also nourishes our nervous system deeply and in ways that high intensity fitness training does not address. I have SO much gratitude for the practice of yoga. Yoga is truly the foundation of all my other practices. (If you have taken my classes here on Kauai or online you understand what I am talking about.) But what you may notice is that in most yoga sessions, your heart rate does not fluctuate too much during the practice, leaving our cardiovascular system under challenged also.
Hence, with the fusion of heart pumping, high intensity training, your body in it’s ENTIRETY will be turned ON!
When you infuse my yoga and fitness approach into your weekly mat time, watch out world, your potential multiplies! Try it and see how having such a diverse approach to playing in your body lights you UP too!
Diversifying your weekly practices and/or workouts with weaving both yoga and fitness will not only increase your body’s potential by working every muscle fiber, get your heart pumping and cardio vascular system strong, keep your muscles supple, your body awareness high, and your nervous system nourished; but is also great for:
- injury prevention
- keeps things exciting and fresh
- keeps your body from plateauing!
Oh, and just have to share that a couple of my online yoga and fitness VHB (very happy body) clients recently ran their first marathon this past weekend too! Yahoo!!! A HUGE high five to Charlynn and Darcy from Illinois! You are SO inspiring!
They are truly evidence of what blending yoga and fitness (in the ways we are rocking it virtually together each week) can do for your endurance and confidence levels too! I so love you ladies! High Five!!!
Fitness Tip Of The Week: Episode #5
With diversity in mind, here’s your FITNESS TIP OF THE WEEK (with a challenge for you)…
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If you missed last week’s Fitness Tip: Episode #4, head over to this page now. I received some really touching emails after sharing this one with everyone last week. And if you took on my challenge of doing this one tip every day I wanna hear your results. Email me or FB message me today!