duck eggsLook at the size and color of these fresh EGGS from our ducks!!!

If you don’t have your own birds I can not recommend more that you purchase your eggs locally from a farm/farmer’s market. There is truly NO comparison in the taste over a factory egg. Just imagine the freshness that is in a newly laid egg, over one that has been shipped and sitting on a shelf! Duh! And of course birds are happiest ranging freely on a farm, as the alternative usually is on top of one another in a tight cage.

A farm fresh egg yolk is a bright and dark orange color, where a factory egg tends to be a dull yellow color. The color of our egg yolks makes me happy. Such a vibrant, enlivening color!

A farm fresh egg from your farmer’s market can have DOUBLE the nutritional value than a factory egg too! Double! So why not spend a couple extra bucks and support your local farm as well as your own well-being.

Fresh farm eggs also have 2x more Omega 3’s (an essential fatty acid your body needs from food) than factory raised eggs, making them better for your brain and metabolism and maybe even your mood too!

Proteins And Muscles

There are 8 amino acids of the 22 amino acids in nature that we must get from our food (the others our body makes). These amino acids are important to our health, our physique and the way our body feels because they are essential to muscle repair and growth.

The more of these amino acids that are in a protein, the more complete and biologically valuable the protein! Your muscles can then utilize the protein effectively to recover and grow when the quality of the protein is rich.

Try Duck Eggs!

The quality of a farm, fresh, organic egg is rich and is considered a perfect protein by many! Oh, and if you can get your hands on duck eggs, they are twice as nutritious as a chicken egg. They make whatever you are baking a little more fluffy too.

egg whites and yolks




Eggs For Breakfast Or Dinner

My all time favorite time to eat eggs is for dinner! They are an easy to fix meal at the end of the day with easy clean up too, and the fact that my daughter eats them happily helps too.

A few ways I like to prepare my eggs are:

  • scrambled with greens on the side
  • over easy (my daughter’s fave)
  • frittata with onions, garlic and tomato
  • hard boiled (an easy on-the-go snack to grab)

Organic Whey

Another protein source that is a go-to for me is this organic, unpasteurized whey protein shake. It is the cleanest whey I have found to date and the only unpasteurized one I have ever seen. The taste of all 3 flavors is incredible and I will soon be sharing some of my favorite recipes that include this easily digestible protein powder, so stay tuned. I have some awesome pre and post workout recipes to share with you soon!!

If you haven’t seen my short review of this whey protein powder, check it out here!

Do you have a favorite egg dish or meal? Share with me below in the comments!