I love me a good chai! Love, love, love it!
And my dear friend Jana Kilgore, who has magical super powers in the kitchen, is sharing her secret chai tea recipe with us today!
I have said it before and I will say it again, Jana brings passion to the palate! Her love for food goes into the way she prepares each meal and into how she creates each recipe. She lovingly prepared meals for us during our January, 2012 yoga retreat on Kauai, and what a sweet blessing it was!
The following is her deliciously, soul soothing chai tea creation:
There is a point in the year when the nights get a little more crisp, the leaves start to fall and I instinctively pull out all my Chai spices. Ginger, cinnamon, star anise, cardamom, yerba mate & black pepper give this chai a sweet, spicy, spark & earthy, grounded goodness that is balanced with the nourishment of Almond or nut milk. Serve it on ice or steamy hot, enjoy!
Making Nut Milk
Nut milk
1 cup Raw almonds or any other nut, soaked overnight & strained.
5 cups of pure water.
1 tbs. local honey
1 tbs. vanilla extract
Blend in a vitamix or strong blender. Strain using a Cheesecloth. Store the liquid in a glass jar for 5-7 days at most.
Yummy Chai Recipe
4 qts. water
½ cup chopped ginger
2 cinnamon sticks broken
1 tsp. black peppercorn
2 star anise
1 tbs. cardamom pods broken
2 tbs. yerba mate
In a large pot add and bring up to a boil:
- water,
- ginger,
- cinnamon,
- peppercorn &
- anise,
Reduce to simmer & cover for the liquid is a golden brown color.
Add the cardamom covering for another 5 minutes.
Add the yerba mate for another 5 minutes.
Strain the solids & store in glass jars for 7 days or so.
Reheat as desired and add almond milk as desired.
Thank you for sharing Jana!!!
Yoga Retreats & Trainings on Kauai
Jana cooked for our January Yoga Retreat on Kauai and what a treat that was! For more info on yoga retreats on Kauai, please click here.
Yoga Teacher training info here.
Here’s to wishing you a yummy, nourishing day! Aloha and namaste’!
More About Jana Kilgore, Super Powers In The Kitchen
Growing up on the beach in Florida I have a deep love of Nature, it’s beauty, power & fragility. Life is precious, mysterious & truly a gift. Meditation, Conscious Movement, Massage Therapy & Ayurveda have taken me deep into the heart of healing, living, loving, creating & learning. I teach highly aligned Vinyasa Yoga classes that are playful & challenging. I also offer Ayurvedic Nutrition/Lifestyle Counseling & Transformational Massage. Along with loving Yoga, Massage, Dancing & Cooking I can be found trail running, paddleboarding, at farmer’s markets & chanting! Love your life, make it beautiful!
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