My largest meal of the day is usually dinner and I don’t do breakfast until I am hungry.
And when my body is ready for food, 9 times out of 10 I have a green smoothie or a shake for breakfast.
However, now that it is chilly in the mornings, a cooler drink just isn’t so appealing to my appetite.
So what’s a girl to do that likes getting her leafy greens in the a.m.? Why, GREEN SOUP of course!
This soup fuels me perfectly before an intense workout and is so satisfying yet still light in my belly making it a great boost at least a half hour before a yoga practice too!
My friend Carla from Living Vegan 101 shared this raw soup recipe with me and it is now my go-to breakfast whenever I have avocado in the house (which is often because I have a generous friend who has an orchard of avo trees that are dripping with ripe fruit right now).
Raw Green Soup Based With Avocado
Since the ingredients are blended in a VitaMixer, or a blender, you can blend it up so it gets a bit warm. Ohhhh, so nourishing on those chilly mornings.
The recipe here calls for swiss chard, I have used kale and it is AWESOME! Also, I like it better without the apple and I like to spice it up by blending in ginger and adding a topper of cayenne pepper and dulse sprinkles .
Play around with what best suits your palate and enjoy your morning knowing you have gifted your body the pleasure of eating a plant based, raw food breakfast. Oh yeah baby!
Stay Connected With Carla & Kauai Yoga And Fitness In Your News Feed
I just changed my Facebook so that I make certain I receive notification all posts from Living Vegan 101 (Carla’s page) because she offers the best recipes and I don’t wanna miss any of them!
Do you know how to do this? Go to your favorite FB pages (hopefully my Kauai Yoga And Fitness page is one of them), hover over the LIKED button, and then click on GET NOTIFICATIONS. That’s it, and voila, you will make certain to have their posts in your feed.
Carla McCurry
I was born and raised in the Desert Southwest, of Tucson, Arizona I am a ‘desert rat’. I am blessed to have found a gift of health and vitality in the creative art of Food Preparation and Energy Healing work. I am trained as a certified Raw Food Chef, Reiki Master, Deeksha Blessing giver, and Nutritionist. I love to work with people who are ready to take the health of their body, mind and spirit to the next level. I offer 1:1 coaching in nutrition and lifestyle changes. My Website is under construction so check back often for updates and new recipes Currently you will find me ON FB at: Please feel free to like my page and get updates on what I do.