FOREARM STANDSame pose, different toes!

Yogatoes infuse your asana with consciousness and liveliness. Just try to do any pose with relaxed feet, especially a forearm-stand like this, and FEEL the difference.

Here I am playing with 3 different expressions on my feet. Honestly, the one that feels best to me here is pointed toes. But in every variation my feet are awake.

Therapeutically there are reasons why we would choose to floint our foot or flex our foot and spread our toes. Our knees benefit greatly by optimally aligning our ankles and toes.

Your Wisest Teacher

Be inspired by those who light you up, and always remember your body is your wisest teacher.

Like Bob said: “WHO FEELS IT KNOWS IT.”

Forearm Stand Yoga Pose Benefits

Sanskrit Name for forearm stand in yoga is: Pincha Mayurasana

This is a scorpion variation!

Yoga Pose Benefits include:

  • strengthens upper back body
  • tones arms
  • cultivates balance
  • builds confidence in practitioner’s ability to support themselves!

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