Prayer At SpringWhat’s the favorite hang out place for your mind? Past, Present or Future?

I believe it’s a great question to be aware of.

Take note:
When you are sad, depressed or down in the dumps, you more than likely are dwelling somewhere in the past.

When you are feeling stressed, anxious or nervous, more than likely your thoughts are in the future making up something that hasn’t even happened yet.

Silly right? But you know you go there. At least I know I do. 🙂

But in the moment, the simple act of breathing can feel like ecstasy and water or the caresses of touch on your skin so pleasurable.

So, what is the routine hang out place for your mind? And when you find it sneaking off, traveling to places that do not serve your highest good, pause, smile at you, and lovingly bring that sucka on back home. 🙂

Ahhhh. Nicely done.

This photo was taken on the north shore of Kauai. Wanna come play in Kauai’s beauty too? July 20th is my next yoga and fitness retreat! We will bliss out in the magic of divine moments, exploring Kauai’s beaches, waterfalls, trails, eating mana (hawaiian for life force/prana) filled foods, and will rock really fun and challenging yoga and fitness practices daily too! You know you wanna click here to find out more.

Sending aloha to you and yours.