I am really looking forward to bringing you guys ALIGNMENT TIPS on my Facebook page because, although there are some really great videos out there, I have recently seen some that make me cringe at what is being shown and instructed as appropriate and even therapeutic.
People get injured all the time in yoga and fitness practices because they just don’t know any better. But the truth of the matter is that if you are working at an appropriate level for your body, and you are applying optimal alignment principles, you WILL clear injuries from your body QUICKLY and your will soar into a whole new world of possibilities with a great big smile on your face and a spring in your step.
“I can’t thank you enough for your knowledge and your talent and your ability to work with so many different kinds of body issues and make it all feel so good and enlightening! And your “heart” work is awesome as well.” -Patty Brown Allen, former student of Samantha Fox Olson

I’ve recently had numerous mamas from my Safbaby.com page ask about the head forward posture that my Alignment Tip #1 touched on.

One mom shared, “This happened to me, didn’t pay attention when nursing both my kids till I started having back pain. How do I correct it now? After 2 years of constantly hunched over and always bending over.”

I totally get her comment because I am a mom too. This can be reversed mamas! However you must know how to align your shoulders on your back, and you must practice this alignment all the time. Period.

This leads to my Facebook Alignment Tip #3….

ALIGNMENT TIP #3: Shoulders On Your Back / Shoulder Alignment = optimism and joy!

Do you slouch? Are you slouching right now? 🙂 How does that make you feel?

This is a super basic instructional video on aligning the shoulders. When the shoulders are aligned optimally, then the neck, shoulders and upper back all reap therapeutic benefits. Maintaining this alignment to the best of your ability while at your computer, holding your baby, and in your yoga and fitness practices will bring much freedom to your body! This is the gateway to learning exquisite, pain free back bends too! Note my upper back integration in the back bend photo below as I apply the “side bodies long, arm bones back” alignment tip (it’s in the video below).

Oh, one common place I often see this misalignment is at the bottom of a push-up. How do you fix that? Keep your side bodies long and your arm bones back, even if that means LESS range of motion in your push ups for now because the longevity of your shoulders will thank you big time and you will actually strengthen in the muscles you want to in order to move in your day to day life with a youthful expression, and not one like a old man. 🙂

Instructional Video On Aligning The Shoulders On The Back

Of course, we could refine from my tips in this short video. But this basic instruction alone WILL bring a shift. Be conscious of it in every stretch, every fitness exercise, and when you’re holding your baby in your arms.



Stay Connected & In Alignment

If you are not connected with me on my Facebook page, go ahead and LIKE me there because I will be sharing tips consistently that you don’t wanna miss!

And make sure you register for my newsletter to the right of this post and up, because I gift each place of connection I share with you different goodies too.

More to come soon. I truly hope this helps you align with your posture of optimism, joy and freedom. Once you understand this alignment in a standing pose, you will eventually be able to integrate it more deeply into backbends which WILL reverse the slouch, diminish the pain from holding and nursing a baby consistently, and so much more.

Shine bright sun shines!