OK, here I go….
I recently received a comment on one of my FB posts, that had this photo, that went like this, “She looks amazing, just need done boobies lol”.
It is mentality like this that makes me so sad for the way that we have become unconsciously programed as a human race! This mentality gets me going because it is how we keep this disharmony between our bodies and our minds alive.
However, the woman who left me this comment inspired my public response which led to the most astonishing comments I could ever imagine. Some women literally let go of years and years of bondage and judgement on their own bodies. It is because of these women’s heart felt sharing and comments that I am making it into a blog post today.
I believe these are the very contemplations and conversations that are giving us back our freedom and the gift of authentically loving our bodies for the miracles that they truly be.
Below is my response to the above judgement about my boobies needing to be surgically altered…
This is what we are teaching our children! This is what most women are saying to themselves in the mirror and I am here to put a STOP to it! No more! No more putting down our amazing human bodies because they don’t look like a mirror image of a cartoon character, or a barbie doll, or a surgically altered human being!
This makes me angry because this is what we are being fed while we are living as unconscious beings. In fitness magazine, in media, and yes, even in cartoons we are being fed this lie! I am here to declare we stop this craziness.
Yes, my boobs are small. And guess what, NEWS FLASH, I love them! I have no desire to be injected with drugs, to be put out so toxic foreign materials can live inside of my temple so that I can live inside of a box someone else has defined as the perfect female form!
I am so grateful I can finally say, “I love my body!” After years and years of wishing for something else, of believing the lies/programming I had been eating up. I am done buying into this crap. I love that I do not have to be the mold of someone else’s image. This is ME. Small boobies and all. Me, me, me!!!!
I am grateful that it is my own flesh and blood that allows me to feel confident and sexy. My own, real body, with real body parts, that I love and honor. I am so grateful that making the most of what I have been given is the gift I give my body in return for all that it gives me.
I am passionate about this because in the fitness industry we are being fed big lies. Lies and judgements of others that are creating separation from our bodies, not the deserved peace and appreciation!
To send out messages that “lol” about planting a seed in women’s minds that fake is more beautiful than real is sad and absurd. How about loving who we are, in our raw and natural state? How about spreading that message? Because if we have to go under a knife and live until we die carrying around silicone crap that is not ours to begin with just to feel admirable, fit or “perfect” then WTF?! I am not signing up for that crap.
Oh yeah, just in case I didn’t make it clear, I LOVE MY SMALL, REAL BOOBS! LOVE THEM, LOVE ME IN ALL MY REAL DEAL ME-NESS. It is my wish you love your real deal-ness too and think for yourself before taking on another’s judgement as yours.
Please help me share this message if it resonates with you too. Not putting anyone down for choices they have consciously made, just speaking my truth in this moment.
I highly recommend heading over to my page and reading the nearly 100 comments left on this thread. They will move you! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151380561481692&set=a.135937166691.108640.102958631691&type=1
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