holy avocad0!!!An avocado tree bearing it’s first fruits! How exciting is this?! For me it is an inspirational message from all the universe, oozing forth with nutritious goodness in a magnificent emerald green hue.

You see, you are NOT guaranteed you will get a tree that produces fruit when you start an avocado tree from seed. Yep, not all trees are true to seed in this way.  That means you could tend the seed, grow it, the tree grows, but does not produce fruit.

Isn’t this so true in life too? I mean, there really is no FOR SURE outcome to any situation. We are GUARANTEED only that we will pass on at some point, and that’s it.

From Sprout To Fruit With No Guarantee

My husband started this tree from a seed. He sprouted the seed, nurtured it in a pot until it was strong enough to be put into the ground, then took good care of it with water and fertilizer (natural and organic on our farm), and then one day, 3 years plus later, we saw the flowers!!! Yep, a whisper of truth that soon there would be fruit!

It was just a couple days ago that we ate the very first avocado that fell from the tree, ripe, ready, and yummy in our tummies.

It is such a wonderful feeling to eat the fruit of a tree that was sprouted by seed and grew up right here on our farm! So delicious to enjoy the miracle of life in this way!

Giving It Your Best Shot

You see, my hubby could have said, “Ah, screw it. We are not guaranteed to get a fruiting avocado tree, so let’s just forget it. No need put in all that effort and not be sure we are gonna get exactly what we want from it.” Nope not my hubby! Instead he went for it. His curiosity and his desire to grow and work and just do his very best regardless of any particular outcome blessed our family back with a tree that will bear fruit and feed us countless times!

Lets just say it didn’t bear fruit. Who knows what magic the tree may have brought: a favorite climbing tree for our daughter, a shady haven for hot days, shoots, maybe firewood in an emergency. I don’t know, but what I do know is that the moral of this story is this my friends:







And may you be blessed beyond measure as you do.

Sprout Your Seed

I encourage you to sit quietly for just a couple minutes, more if you like, and ask your highest knowing which dreams are waiting patiently for you to nurture completely.

Then water them, and give them love, and attention, and admiration, encouragement and your best shot. For how long you may wonder? As long as it takes my sweet sun shine.


A Meditation To Support Your Heart’s Dreams

I was inspired by this spontaneous meditation that came from writing this blog post. See the full meditation here and may all the sweetest fruit be enjoyed by you and yours today.