The other day I had the sweet privileged of witnessing a mama monk seal and her baby swimming together right near the sea shore. So playful and free. Then they scooted, wattled, crawled (wow, how is it to describe the wild way in which these creatures move their huge bodies upon the earth?!) up onto the beach to have a rest. After they found themselves a comfortable placement, the baby seal nursed and it was all just so amazing! I truly felt like what I was witnessing was a once in a lifetime scene from “How Amazing and Beautiful Our Wild World Is.”

Sunday, May 20th I will be leading a guided yoga practice in Kilauea. This is a DONATION yoga practice and ALL moneys will be going to Tara Golden for her documentary and work that is bringing awareness to the world about monk seals!

You can see the trailer of her documentary here:




Class time: 9:15-10:30am, this Sunday the 20th

Class level: All-levels

Class type: A guided yummy, yoga practice lead by Samantha Fox Olson

Class location: Kilauea Farms 

Call today to register your space today:  808-351-4958