In this blog post I am going to share something with you that you may never have considered in shaping a back side you love. Alignment! Because the truth of it is, regardless of how much you are working on shaping your rear end, if you are standing and if you are working out with incorrect form, you may be training your backside to be flat and droopy.
In the video below you will see me demo this as the “old man’s bootie” (sorry guys) and you will also learn an easy 2 step principle leading you towards radiant posture that sings with curves in all the right places. Best of all, it FEELS GOOD!
Years of yoga training has gifted me a beautiful knowing of my body’s optimal alignment. When the lower body is in optimal alignment, your butt has great shape and greater potential to create defined glute muscles too!
Years of studying yoga therapy and it’s principles has gifted me the practice of people watching to better understand what a person feels like in their body and how to use alignment to bring anyone into a greater expression of themselves.
It is really simple. Femur bones forward = compresses low back and flat a$s. Femur bones back and tailbone down = a rounder back side with the potential to build muscle tone in a very beautiful way. In the video below I demonstrate how you can put this alignment into practice in your body right now.
Use This Yoga Alignment Principle To Give A Flat Butt Shape!
The video below is a very basic example of how the thigh bones govern our low back and the shape of our buns.
In my online and public yoga and fitness classes I use each asana and exercise to guide my students into their optimal alignment, enabling each squat, each back bend, and every resistance loop exercises reap the most bang for our efforts! Certainly quality of quantity pertains to our fitness efforts too. This is something we playfully explore in each yoga and fitness practice in my Kauai Yoga, Fitness & Adventure Retreats too!
Check this short video out to see if your posture is supporting the back side you desire!
[vimeo id=”89239833″ width=”600″ height=”350″]
Resistance Loop Exercises For A Lifted Bootie
In my next blog post and newsletter, coming real soon, I will share with you some exercises done with a resistance loop to help firm your back side. I encourage you to get your resistance loop now so you can rock these effective exercises as soon as I share them.
Find out which ones I like best here so you don’t make the mistake one of my friends did and purchase one from a big box store. Because working out with poor quality equipment is like a painter trying to paint a masterpiece with crappy brushes. Click here for my recommendations on the essential home workout equipment.