Meet Your LunchThe 4th biannual Community Seed and Plant Exchange at Kauapea Farms recently gathered this October 11th.  This festival was such a blessed event reflecting the magic and abundance of this amazing island and it’s ohana.

To offer a few descriptive words about this gathering:  inspiration, love, sharing, abundance, organic, living foods, self-sustaining, magic, heart-opening, ohana and awareness.

But to put this day into words does not do the experience any justice.  It was truly something I felt so honored to be witness of and part of.  This day was living proof that when a community of people come together to support one another and an island, GRACE pours in!

Your love donation got you into the open gates.  The day for me consisted of a wonderful tour of Kauapea’s Farm, meeting beautiful people and eating wonderful food.  I even got to power my own fresh fruit smoothie by peddling a bike that motorized the blender!  There was live music, a blessing from Paramacharya Palaniswami from the Kauai Hindu Monastery, and at 2:00 the seed exchange began!

This was quite a heart opening happening for me.

To enter into this huge greenhouse with my Kauai Ohana and hand pick my own seeds, starts and trees was such an affirmation that we have the capability of  helping this beautiful island become self-sufficient and self sustaining!  My heart blasted heart wide open!

This FREE event was brought to the people of Kauai by Regenerations Botanical Garden, Kauai Community Seed Bank, Kauai Farmers Coop, and GMO Free Kauai!

I can’t wait for the next one where I will uproot plenty of aloe from my front yard to share in this heart expanding offering of abundance for all.  I hope you will be there too!  Kauai, we LOVE YOU!

Powering My Own Organic Smoothie

Does it get any cooler than this?  I have to make one of these for my house, and have parties where everyone can power their own beverages!  Loving it!

Powering My Smoothie

Kauapea Farms and Inside the Seed Exchange on Kauai

I was absolutely inspired by walking through this amazing, hand powered garden of abundance!  My daughter was also infused with a longing to grow her own food!

Kauapea Organic Farms

Organic tomatoes

Seed Exchange on KauaiPrinciples of the Seed ExchangeKauai Seed Exchange

And the inspiration has been planted….