Confession time. I jumped the gun. I totally judged a book by it’s cover. Before really ever getting to know the truth, I held tight to my preconceived notions and I swore I hated (yep, I said it) brussel sprouts.
But really they are delicious! Delicious and oh so nutritious!
If you have never prepared them, maybe because you thought you didn’t like them like I did, then here is how you do it (how I do it anyways):
How To Prepare Brussel Sprouts
1. put them in a bowl and spray with veggie cleaner (if you use) and water and clean them off.
2. cut off their ends and cut in half or quarters.
3. put into a glass pyrex with some garlic and onion.
4. drizzle with coconut oil and season if you wanna (here you can see i didn’t even season, but did after).
5. bake at 350 covered with foil for 15 minutes and then uncovered for another 5 to let them get a little dark on top.
My hubby likes to add butter to his and we both like to spice them up with cayenne. Another way you can prepare these little tiny cabbages is to steam them instead of bake them. Follow steps 1-4 above and then steam until you can just put a fork in them. Don’t over bake or steam. You want them holding as much as their vitamins and minerals as you can.
Benefits Of Brussel Sprouts
1. They taste good!
2. They are full of fiber. 4 grams to one cup. This will help your belly feel satisfied, before you have overindulged.
3. Low in calories.
4. High in protein. Over 1/4th their nutrients comes from protein.
5. Has shown to reduce inflammation.
6. High in omega-3s!!!
What’s a veggie or food you thought you disliked till you tried it? Please share with me by coming on over to my FB page and commenting on my Brussel Sprouts post. xo