Sam-108_2-200x300Is the way you breathe most of the day making your fat? Although this may sound absurd to many people, the fact is that STRESS holds fat on our body; especially the belly. And breathing optimally is the quickest and most effective way to reduce stress hormones in our bodies.

So the way you breathe is not MAKING you fat, but the way in which you breathe DEEPLY can reduce the hormones that hold on to belly fat.

I get it. If you have been struggling with hundreds of crunches, reducing your carbs to a minimum and thinking that is THE way to your flat belly and killer abs, then today’s tip may just seem too… easy. Like too easy to even consider. But keep reading…

I am not saying this should be your only practice if the result you wanna see are 6-pack abs. BUT, this tip IS a surefire way to reduce the stress hormone, cortisol, that DOES have a role in holding-on to that extra pudge around your midsection.

Lower the levels of excessive cortisol in your body with deep breathing and you lower the hormones linked to belly fat. So next time you are feeling stressed out, chill out. I know, easier said than done. But when we understand all the benefits of reducing excessive stress in our bodies it sure can be a powerful motivator to take the time to slow down and tune in. This guided breathing exercise will help you do just that.

Excessive Stress Can Have Extreme Consequence On Our Body

I recently had a friend that had a nervous breakdown and ended up in the emergency room! She is now recovering, thank God. She is in a wheel chair to get around, but she was laid out in bed for 2 weeks before she could make it that far.

Stress is NO joke man. And if we ignore the signs long enough not, our bodies will we suffer extreme consequences.

There is good news though!

A. My friend IS coming back to full recovery! She is the most optimistic woman, with the most appreciative heart on the planet. She is taking the time to reconnect, rest and get well. She WILL do it.

B. By tuning into our body on a daily basis and taking the time to breathe when we are stressed out we can GREATLY reduce stress and belly fat. Bonus!

C. Stress and even cortisol itself is not necessarily bad. Exercising increases cortisol levels and puts “stress” on our bodies. Day to day living does too. It is the accumulation that is leading to excess that becomes the problem with the negative side effects. Deep, conscious  breathing through out the day is a great way to create a healthy balance!

How To Breathe To Reduce Stress AND Belly Fat

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If creating a rhythm in your body that will 100% support your:

  • optimistic energy levels,
  • fat loss,
  • overall muscle tone and strength,
  • stress reduction
  • and oh so much more

is something you KNOW your body is craving for then I invite you to book a 30 minute Very Happy Body Activation Call with me where I can help you get clear on your fitness and health goals and help you create a path that leads you to them and beyond. Email me today before my schedule books, [email protected], and let me know you are READY to receive a free, 30-minute activation call with me (a $159 value).

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