We just recently celebrated the completion of our 5 day yoga and fitness immersion! It was such an amazing week.
We explored such a vast array of intensity and a full spectrum of exploration. Fast, slow, hard core, restore, yoga, fitness, flow, break-it-down, focus, play, strength, flexibility, expand, contract, effort, surrender.
Taking on this type of intensive, 2.5 hours a day for 5 straight days, was something new for almost all the women in the group. How fricking awesome is that?! Such a bold a courageous willingness to step in with such commitment.
We finished the week with a boat trip on the NaPali Coast. We were greeted by a pod of dolphins early morning, we went into caves that reeked of Pirates of the Caribbean, we laughed, we played, we found ourselves like mermaids on a far, far away beach at the edge of paradise too. We did a few burpees on the beach, and of course delighted in a cool waterfall bathing too.
It was a huge pleasure for me to experience these women outside of our classes. I felt like I got to know each one a little better and I can say with all certainty that I love them all more today than I did yesterday.
Fitness Breakthroughs & Deeper Connection With You
My questions for you today are this?
- When was the last time you took on a challenge that was something greater than you have ever signed up for before in your entire life?
- How is it that you celebrate your breakthroughs?
Because there is SO MUCH MAGIC just on the other side of what you believe to be possible. Rock on sun shines!
Next Yoga And Fitness Immersion & Retreat Kauai Is July 20, 2013
Come play and explore your practices and this magical island of Kauai in my 6 night, all-inclusive yoga and fitness retreat beginning July 20th! Find out more here.