quad workout

Your quads are made up of 4 muscles: the Rectus femoris, the Vastus lateralis, Vastus medialis, and the Vastus intermedius. They are large muscle groups and so when we work them and build more muscle in them, we are putting our body into a greater potential to burn fat too!

This circuit was part of my Friday yoga and fitness fusion class and the ladies loved it and their quads were feelin’ it for days (mine too!).

Exercise 1: Single leg lunges. Keeping your front heel grounded and your back heel lifted bend both knees and as you extend your legs straight hug your muscles up from your feet into your hips. Do 40 with left leg forward. I used 15 lbs. in each hand. Then switch and do 40 reps on the other side.

Exercise 2: Kneeling in the floor with your knees sits bone distance apart, point your toes and press your toenails into your mat to help stabilize your shins. Holding a 5 lb hand weight at your chest, and keeping your hip flexors open, hinge back and hold for a few seconds before coning back up. Do 15 reps.

Exercise 3: Squat jumps! Start with your feet outer hip distance apart and parallel. Bending your knees, keep your knees as wide as your ankles. Then explode though your legs and jump as you lift your arms overhead. Do 20 reps.

Cycle through this circuit 3x and finish with some thigh stretches! Oh, don’t forget to warm up prior to this workout too. 🙂

This workout will not only tone your legs and core, but also works slow and fast twitch muscle fibers. Not only will you become stronger, but you will also cultivate power and stability too.

This quad circuit would be a great one to do before my glute exercises here if you wanna really work it! 🙂 Leave me a comment and let me know how you do!