handstand splitI have gotten some amazing feedback from my ‘How To Do A  Yoga Handstand’ series of tutorial videos on my YouTube channel. Here’s the latest:

“Hey Samantha! I started with your tutorial series like 3 weeks ago and have been practicing everyday since. I had never done a handstand before that. Your videos are amazing! I can hold a handstand in the middle of the room! I still have a lot of practice to get it right every time but I owe this awesome progress and success to YOU! Thank you!” -Melanie Thuringer

Thanks Melanie for leaving this wonderful comment on my video and congrats for rocking your handstands in the middle of the room for the first time ever!

Handstands are so fun and empowering and that is exactly why I made these videos. To empower and encourage more people to try them.

Handstands seems to be one of those poses that so many people want to do, wish they could do, but immediately write off the possibility of themselves truly being able to do one. The truth is, if you will practice, and if you have these simple yet profound tools offered in this series, YOU CAN HANDSTAND TOO!

Handstand Tutorial Videos On You Tube

Here is video #1 in my series of 15 short videos. Take your time. There is no rush. Get the most out of each short video, then move on. With consistent practice, just like Melanie you will be rocking your handstands soon too! Enjoy, and make sure you don’t forget to subscribe to my channel while you are there, and register my newsletter on my website too! I have more great gifts to share with you and I am grateful you are here. Aloha.
