Tired of the same old-same old when it comes to working your core? Truth be told, you won’t find me working the basic crunch exercise routinely. Don’t let this fool you, I work on my abs. I just don’t often do it “traditionally.”
This exercise works balance and obliques in a creative, fun and fluid way.
I love how graceful and strong this exercise is in the same moment, in the same breath.
Great for the abs, the upper back and arms. Here’s how you do it to get the most out of it:
A Creative Exercise To Tone Your Abs
- Start on your side with legs extended and hand enough away from your hip, not placed directly under your armpit.
- Come up SLOWLY (this is what will truly activate this flow to be a powerhouse of a core workout) in a controlled yet fluid tempo.
- As you rise up, bend your top knee, gliding the toes up the inseam of your chins with your knee facing towards the sky.
- Once your toes get to your knee, outer rotate the upper arm bone on your supporting side so that your shoulder integrate deeply onto your back body. Lift your heart and smile.
- Return back to the earth with that same finesse your rose up with.
Go for a slow set of 6 on each side.
Leave a comment below to congratulate yourself if you take on this challenge.