burpeesShort on time but your body’s craving a great workout?

This is a no joke full body, fat blasting workout to tone and strengthen your core, legs, butt and arms in minutes! Not only that, it will have you dripping in sweat (detox), will have your heart pumping (cardiovascular health), and will strengthen your perseverance and ability to follow through, even when you wanna quit (that is if you finish the entire challenge!).

Do 100 Burpeess for time!

I did my first 61 with regular push ups and finished the rest with knees down. Not my best time, but yesterday’s 100 Burpees Challenge took me…


No excuses for not having the time. But don’t forget to warm up and cool down!

Alignment Tips For Burpees

1. Keep your feet parallel at all times.

2. Keep the head of your arm bones in the  back plane of your body throughout your entire push up.

3. Never hyperextend your knees

Enjoy The Challenge

Leave a comment below and declare your time. However, never compromise your form for a faster movement. Keep your alignment on point regardless of all else.
