What would it look like if you gave yourself the permission to experience PLEASURE in each moment? What if something as close to us as our very own breath could feel orgasmic and blissful?
Tune into your body lovingly, enjoying each precious moment, in this sensual and slow yoga practice.
Really, when was the last time you slowed down and gave yourself the space to smell the roses or feel the warmth of the sunshine on your skin?
Yoga To Enliven Your Senses And Aid In Restful Sleep
I just had a student of mine email me after our very gentle class together this past week. She said:
- “I slept so good after last weeks slowed down, sensual class. Slowing down can be hard for me, but so good.”
Can you relate? Is slowing down just not something that is on your to-do list? If so, this one if for YOU.
And yet another student mentioned to me in an email after doing the “sensual yoga” class/video that’s embedded below:
- “What a great reminder that you don’t need another person to experience sensuality, it is a wonderful thing to feel just with yourself :)”
I wonder what else may be gifted to you when you take the time for you in this way, to feel, breathe and connect to yourself intimately. Personally, slowing down like this on my yoga mat allows me to receive heightened pleasure from the simple things in life, like a warm shower or the gentle caress of the breeze on my skin. All things that really do offer us so much pleasure, but if we are not in our bodies, feeling and being in the moment, we rob ourselves of so much joy and ecstasy.
Come, take a vacation from your thoughts, and be bathed in the paradise of your body, breath and senses. What if your sense are here for your enjoyment? What if you’ve yet to tap into those gifts fully?
The Benefits of Deliberately Slowing Down And Feeling
May this practice assist you in:
- maintaining your utmost health
- experiencing delightful pleasure in simple things
- revealing your truest vibrancy.
Gentle Yoga And Sensual Pleasure
Above photo taken during my 2010 yoga retreat on Kauai during our nature hike to Hanakapiai Falls.
Yoga And Fitness On YouTube
Please check out my YouTube Channel for a full spectrum of yoga and fitness classes too. Everything from slow and soft to intense and sweaty. Enjoy!
Connect With Me On FB
How are you experiencing authentic joy and gratitude in your practice and life? Come on over to my FB page and let me know. I’d love to hear from YOU.