Super stoked that this super fun photo with some of my favorite women (Jill from Island Style Bamboo Jewelry and Farm and Luna from Aloha Fresh Macadamias), taken on my bday this year, will be featured in a 2014 calendar that is a fundraising project that will help bring yoga to bodies in need!!! (whew, that was a mouth full).
The name of the calendar is YOGIS OF INSTAGRAM. Out of hundreds of photos submitted to be in this calendar, we were chosen to be April! How sweet is that?!
All of the proceeds will go to a charity named Kula For Karma, a wonderful organization that provides therapeutic yoga, meditation and stress management to society’s most vulnerable populations at no cost to the clients or the patients! RAD!!!
Acro-Partner Yoga On Kauai
We had such a fun day at the beach on this particular Friday. We gathered to celebrate my birthday and have a playful yoga and fitness practice beach side. This spontaneously became our warm-up, a partner yoga session!
I call the top photo the “body castle” because instead of building sand castles, we were building body castles! To get into this pose we had help from our friend Cat but I don’t know where she was in this transition photo (top right in collage) which is also so fun I must share here.
We played with a few different partnering ways to climb on each other, and they all included deep belly laughing sessions. So, so fun! My daughter couldn’t even resist the fun.
I offered a partnering yoga, or acro-yoga evening the very first yoga retreat that I offered on Kauai years back. However, I am feeling that this may need to be offered in my next one! A playful, belly-laughing, body castle making beach date of fun!
Yogis Of Instagram Calendar From Prana Vida
There are some really beautiful photos in this calendar. I am honored to be beside such beauty, power and grace. The Instagram community of yoga and fitness friends has really been a fun place to be inspired. You can find me on Instagram as @yogaandfitness.
Purchase your inspirational calendar here.