A Global Mind, Body, Spirit Transformation
Are you desiring a Jump Start (mentally, energetically and physically)? Are you ready to start LOVING your body, quiet the inner critic and appreciate more fully the miracle your body truly be? Do [...]
Finding The Right Fitness Program For You
Do you ever wonder if you are in the right fitness or wellness program for you? I mean really, there are countless of disciplines, classes, coaches, programs and protocols to follow out there. So much [...]
Are You Taking Responsibility Or Pointing Blame?
This past weekends’s epiphany brought me to today’s blog post, and I am going to cut to the chase in hopes to offer you an ah-ha moment for yourself too. Back in 1992 I received [...]
A 10-Day Group Athlete Transformation
Are you desiring a REBOOT? Are you desiring to be INSPIRED with your yoga or fitness? Are you ready to increase your athletic performance? Are you ready to feel freaking amazing in your body? Are [...]
Next Level Wellness That’s Simple
What if I shared with you just one action step that could positively influence your energy levels, joint and muscle pain and athletic performance, as well as help you lose weight? Would you apply it? [...]
4 Tips To Healing When Your Body Abandons You
Having the privilege of serving as a health coach to people all around the globe, I have heard a common belief that is disconnecting people from their amazing bodies. This one belief wrecks havoc in [...]
Yoga And Fitness On Kauai Class Descriptions
I am so excited to share with you the juicy details of my yoga and fitness classes here on the north shore of Kauai. “Felling Sexy!!! I have been going to Samantha Fox Olson’s classes [...]
The Difference Between A World Record Holder And A Beginner
The difference between a master (or in the case of who has inspired today’s sharing, a 2-time world record holder in box jump) and a beginner is that the master has failed more times than [...]