Transform Your Failure Mindset In Record Time
OK, I admit it! I like getting from A to B as absolutely FAST as I can get there. Failure to do so disturbs me. Speed bumps piss me off. Road blocks infuriate me. And [...]
Fitness Is A Mirror Reflection For Life
Fitness gives us a golden opportunity to tighten up. And I don't just mean our rear ends and our core. I am talking LIFE baby. Our fitness is a mirror reflection for life! And today's [...]
Home Workout Inspired By Cross Fit Games 18.3 Scaled Workout
If you are looking for a great home workout that will kick your cardio and give you a solid full body workout, here you go! I went to cheer on the rock stars at the [...]
Gluten Free Breakfast Cake For A Fit Body
When your kitchen smells like apple pie, the whole house is happy. Right?! And who doesn't love comfort food like cake? But this is HEALTHY cake! That you can eat FOR BREAKFAST! And it's loaded [...]
Vegan, Creamy Cheese Soup For A Fit Body
This soup is packed with nutrition, whole food and supports a fit, lean body. This vegan cheese soup base is so freaking good that I HAVE to share the recipe with you! I'm [...]
Kauai Yoga Retreat: Not Your Average Retreat
When you think “Kauai Yoga Retreat” do you think of countless hours of bending and stretching confined to your yoga mat? Do you think of a monk-style lifestyle: being on your best behavior and restricting [...]
Kauai Retreat: An Aloha Experience
A Kauai retreat, led with the aloha spirit, can catapult transform and activate your life! Ours was beyond magical in so many ways! In addition to our daily yoga & fitness practices on this 6-night [...]
Nutrition Tips & Kauai Retreat Offering
In my up and coming yoga and fitness retreat on Kauai, it will be a huge honor and pleasure to work along side of Kari Morin, owner of Crave Vitality. A transformational health coach and [...]