Global Mala: Yoga For World Peace Worldwide And On Kauai
Global Mala is an event for world peace that weaves together the yoga community of the entire world! Global Mala is the uniting of millions of yogi’s hearts and deepest wishes for peace on earth [...]
Radical Expressions From The Heart
If there is one thing that yoga teaches us, it is to step into the freedom of who we are, and to express ourselves fully. At the beginning of a yoga journey, it may seem [...]
North Shore Wellness Fair
This Saturday, September the 19th, I will be teaching a FREE Bodhi Boot Camp class to open the North Shore Wellness Fair line up of free classes! All-levels welcome to this yoga fusion. Just bring [...]
Hiking To Hanakapi’ai Beach
The other day a friend and I hiked part of the Kalalau Trail to Hanakapi’ai Beach. This trail is one of my absolute favorite. OK, my FAVORITE trail that my feet have had the privilege [...]
The Feeling Of Yoga
There is a truth I’ve felt before. The truth of unity, the truth that there is a divine thread that weaves us all together. Yes, ALL of us together. From the earth to the sky, [...]
“Oh My”… Yoga On Kauai
Oh My Yoga is a post written by a Bodhi Boot Camp student of mine, Kathleen Macken. She has recently written this post on her Kauai Blog, and I am so tickled by her humor, [...]
Steeped In Appreciation For All My Teachers
Tonight is the brightest full moon of the year. The full moon of Guru Purnima is the moon under which we honor our teachers. As I sit and remember all that I have learned and [...]
What Is Grace?
The first principle of Anusara® yoga is Open To Grace. On a very basic level, in our yoga practice (and in our lives) we can experience this ‘alignment principle’ simply by being breathed. Yes, “being [...]