Cultivating The Confidence To Enjoy A Handstand, Tutorial From The Wellness Wahine
Handstands can be empowering and absolutely invigorating! Nothing like flipping your whole world upside down and having every single cell in your body nourished by the offering of it. Wow, how much better can it [...]
Yoga Workshops On Kauai With Samantha, June 10th & 16th
For me personally, yoga was just ‘movement’ before I found my first Anusara® yoga class. In those beginning classes I learned of the “focal points, and loops and spirals”, and how to align my body [...]
Guest Teaching Yoga On The Big Island At There’s No Place Like Om, Hawaii
I met Karunamayi, Kathryn Wiese, Director of There’s No Place Like Om Yoga Studio on the Big Island of Hawaii, almost 2 years ago. We were both attending a yoga workshop on Maui and I [...]
Fundraising, Donation Yoga Practice For Monk Seal Awareness
The other day I had the sweet privileged of witnessing a mama monk seal and her baby swimming together right near the sea shore. So playful and free. Then they scooted, wattled, crawled (wow, how [...]
A Live Lemon-Banana Pie That Will Rock Your World
One of the deserts we drooled over during my May Yoga Retreat here on Kauai was a live Lemon-Banana filled pie. Not only is this pie mind-blowingly delicious, it also baffles the mind to know [...]
Yoga Retreat Heaven On Kauai. How Does It Get Any More Magical Than This?
Have you ever had a week that inspired and infused you with so much gratitude that it literally changed your entire life from then forward? Have you ever dove so deeply into the FEELING of [...]
Kauai Yoga Retreat April 30th, With Guest Instructor Kimberly Daniels
Introducing…. April 30th, 2012 Kauai Yoga Retreat Co-Instructor, Kimberly Daniels! I first met Kimberly Daniels in Maui a year and a half ago at an Anusara yoga therapeutics training where we also shared a Ram [...]
A Plyometric Exercise Challenge For Springtime From Purple Inc. Magazine
I am a contributing editor for an epic Hawaiian Lifestyles Magazine, Purple Inc. I offer articles that have to do with yoga and fitness, inspiring people to not only train their physical body, but to [...]