Exactly HOW To Get Consistent With Your Fitness
You have heard me say this time and time again, “Consistency is the KEY to a workout and/or yoga practice that is going to really change your life and transform your body.” I KNOW this [...]
5 Tips That Will Propel Your Wildest Dreams To Come Alive
A woman in my private VHB (Very Happy Bodies) group that I train online asked me in our monthly activation call yesterday if I recommend just picking up and leaving if you want to make [...]
Are You Too Old To Be Fit And Feel Fabulous?
One of my amazing students shared with me this morning in our 6:15 am full body workout class that she SURFED the other day for the first time in a long time. This is a [...]
Without A Plan, Your Goals Are Just Wishful Thinking
Basically in my online group coaching program I give my clients a weekly plan of attack to follow that has already proven to gift amazing results to their bodies, minds and spirits! Rigid lines and [...]
Yoga & Fitness Tips: Episode 6 & 7
So today I am sharing 2 tips that will rock your body’s potential. One for yoga and one for overall fitness! The first tip of this week is something that if you are NOT implementing [...]
Why You Want To Blend BOTH Yoga And Fitness: Episode #5
I love yoga and high intensity training! Duh. These disciplines both have many benefits when practiced individually; but when practiced together your body will experience new levels of potential! Yoga works mostly slow twitch muscle [...]
Episode #4: I Wrote Myself A Love Letter
One of the first assignments I give my online yoga and fitness I work with in a private group setting is to write themselves a love letter. This is an assignment I was first introduced [...]
Brussel Sprouts Confession
Confession time. I jumped the gun. I totally judged a book by it’s cover. Before really ever getting to know the truth, I held tight to my preconceived notions and I swore I hated (yep, [...]