When people are really gifted at what they do it is so delightful to let others know about them! So today I wanted to share with you… Joe Longo!

I had the pleasure of working with yoga photographer Joe Longo a few weeks ago, and “WOW.”

The experience alone of working with him was light-hearted, really fun and full of being in creative flow.

The end result leaves me with some of the most beautiful yoga images I have of myself! Every time I look at them I am in awe. The clouds, the ocean, the colors of the fronds, the detail in the grass.

You know those photos where the people’s energy has been captured and the elements that surround them pop with astonishing beauty too? Well that is exactly what my photo shoot with Joe gifted me with.

The images are so fun to share and I will have these memories now for a lifetime and beyond.







Me and my wahine friends on a warm, sunny beach on Kauai!










Look Ma, one hand!

Joe Longo

Joe describes his work like this, and I would have to agree,

“Ansel Adams and I have something in common. Sometimes we would get to places just when God was ready to have somebody click the shutter. That really says it all. Capturing the LOVE one click of the shutter at a time.

I take pictures, share what I capture, and give some love to the world. I see beauty everywhere and photography is my way of sharing the beauty I see with you.”

I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to experience this man’s gift. His portfolio is worth taking the time to enjoy. Please do. Find it here: http://www.joelongophotography.com/portfolio

 Stay Connected With Me On Facebook

I have posted more of our photo shoot on my FB page. Let’s be friends!  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kauai-Yoga-And-Fitness-With-Samantha-Fox-Olson/102958631691