There is a truth I’ve felt before. The truth of unity, the truth that there is a divine thread that weaves us all together. Yes, ALL of us together. From the earth to the sky, ALL creatures, ALL of nature.
To open to this truth made me feel connected, expansive, still and alive. It feels like your heart is wide open. It reveals to you that divine essence that underlies everything in creation.
I’ve had different experiences that has opened me to this bliss. A few easy to explain examples: guided by my meditation teacher during a meditation retreat, on my yoga mat during practice, chanting at satsang with Krishna Das, and even at a business conference with Dani Johnson. Letting go of ego has always been a factor for me in touching this bliss, of allowing grace to pour in.
Each time this feeling was so profound, never to be forgotten. I remember the sensation of anger dissolving, compassion bursting, and even the amazing enormity of the star-lite sky. In this space there is so much compassion, so much love, so much trust. Ironically enough, waking up the next day becomes just an ordinary day. Sometimes looking for the good in each situation comes naturally, and some days I want to swear out loud to the person cutting me off in traffic. (hee hee, oh the frailness of me.)
Staying Steeped In The Space Of The Heart
Continuing to hold this space, to live in the revelation of our hearts, requires a dynamic practice of yoga. I believe yoga to be ANY path that leads us to the truth.
Yoga is the everyday practice of becoming who we are. Yoga is the constant practice of letting go of our self-centered mindsets, and stepping into the flow of grace. Yoga is remembering our connection to ALL things. I wish for an expanding experience of this truth in each and everyone of our lives.
It can be practiced on a yoga mat, felt on a nature hike or when riding a wave. It is given to us thru the embrace of a child and thru enjoying the laughter of a stranger. It’s even hidden (waiting to be found) in the limitations of our bodies, in all of the struggles that we endure.
Yoga is living with an open heart and embracing all of life. This truth is yoga, and it is alive in every moment of our lives! Leave your ego at the door, and step into the blessings of bliss that awaits you RIGHT NOW.