The changing of the seasons is an invitation to align with our nature too. Looking at the rhythm of Fall, we see how mother nature is moving into a calm, sweet stillness. Leaves falling from the trees, the days cooler, and nights longer. She is slowing down.

By deliberately slowing down ourselves, we too can ease-fully rejuvenate, replenish and restore our every cell into a harmonized place of balance and well being.
So would you be willing to put down that to-do-list (it will still be there waiting for you when you are return) and nourish every thread of your being with a delicious restorative yoga practice?

What Is Restorative Yoga?

Restorative yoga is a passive means to opening the body and relaxing the mind. Any yoga pose that can be settled into, and effortlessly held for 10 minutes or more, can be considered a restorative pose.  These type of postures are supported with props such as belts, straps, blankets, bolsters, towels, yoga blocks, and eye pillows.

The benefits of taking this time for you include:

  • calming the mind
  • stretching the body
  • a greater capacity to breath deeply and consciously
  • feeling blissed out, grounded and expansive
  • nourishing your parasympathetic nervous system
  • boosting your immune system
  • intimate connection with you
  • can assist in deep, restful sleep

My 3 Favorite Restorative Yoga Postures

If those benefits do not have your mats rolled out already, you can always get back to that feeling of adding more chores to that to-do-list and see how that works for you.

Please visit Purple Inc., Hawaiian Lifestyle Magazine, to find out what my 3 favorite restorative yoga poses are! I wrote this article for them, as their health and wellness contributing editor, aka the “Wellness Wahine.” Visit page 9 to find my restorative yoga article, and while you are there enjoying your free online magazine, enjoy all the other offerings there too!

Purple Inc. Fall, 2012

Other interesting topics covered in this issue include:

  • recipes for Passion fruit Cocktails,
  • how to use natural gems to energetically transform your home,
  • animal love stories
  • tea time and tea brewing
  • an interview with local musician Sashamon!

Online Yoga And Fitness Instructional Videos

For a plethora of fun, instructional yoga & fitness videos that range from low intensity and restorative to energetic and high intensity, please subscribe to Kauai Yoga & Fitness’s You Tube Channel today.

Visit Purple Inc. here.

Find out more about my public class schedule on Kauai here.

May your day be full of nourishment in all ways. Aloha.