YogaWorkshopKauaiOur yoga detox workshop this past weekend was transformational! With diligent and consistent practice of integrating this workshop into our daily lives,  a positive and  everlasting change is promised.  Desire, Design, DESTINY!  Thank you God!

To put the entire 3 hour journey into a few words:  Gratitude, rooted femur bones and forgiveness!  Here’s what a few of my students had to say….

“Samantha, you always say to be thankful that there are two sides of our bodies when we are sweating through a physically challenging practice. I thank you for helping me to nurture both sides. But I especially want to thank you for guiding me through the joyful work of polishing the multiple facets of my complicated life. My heart feels newly radiant like a brilliant diamond. I feel empowered to maintain this practice on my own, wherever I may be. Thank you teacher.” -Veronica, Kauai

I just loved today Workshop !!!! Samantha thank you so much for coming into my life !!! I am blessed to learn so much from you !!! You opened so many doors for me in my Life !!!! Love you !!!!” -Sylvie, Kauai

“That was such a good workshop we had today! I learned so much and did things I never thought I could. I feel very blessed to have such an aspiring & spiritual teacher in Sam.” -Margo, Kauai “Your class on Saturday was wonderful! I truly enjoyed it! I loved how you incorporated journal writing, seeing my thoughts written in front me was a reality check. I always think about the lil things that I’m grateful for and those I need to forgive but only for a split second then I throw in the back of my mind. And never find time to think about it again. Writing it down made it seem real. I woke up this morning (Sunday) feeling at ease and content with myself, (instead of stressed). Also the physical portion kicked my butt, my body is sore but in a beautiful way! This class was awesome!!!! Thanks!!!” -Tanya, Kauai

“As a man thinks within his own heart, so is he!”

Proverbs 23:7