There is so much, infinite really, potential in our practices of yoga and fitness.  Isn’t it so exciting and inspiring?!

Yesterday in my practice I fused together the disciplines of upper body strength building exercises, cardio blasts, and yoga.  I love this fusion and I have been creating an entire unique and addictive curriculum around this fusion. Here on Kauai I call the class Booty Camp.

I made a short tutorial for you out of one of the exercises I played with in my own personal practice yesterday, a one-handed handstand.  This courageous and strength building posture is available for you to practice IF you already have a confident handstand on your own in the middle of the room.  Wow, what else is possible?

If you are still working on making your handstand “yours” you can modify this by enthusiastically working one-handed downward facing dog pose.  There is always a modification that can be played with to work towards something bigger.  The possibilities are infinite!

Enjoy the video here!

Thanks for watching and have fun! (Oh, and the “shaka” is the advanced version :), hehe)