side plank with hand weightThis summer we went to the mainland for a little family vacation. I packed my yoga mat, a jump rope, my interval timer and a resistance loop, knowing I would be set to enjoy tons of diversity and rock all my workouts while being gone for 2 full weeks. And I did!

Which was awesome because nobody likes the feeling of coming home from vacation in a frumpy body that ate more food than normal and moved less than regularly, just because it was out of it’s natural habitat.

I came home feeling fabulous because I worked out and/or practiced yoga almost daily. Today I am going to share with you one of the workouts I did at my mother-in-laws house. This workout targets the upper body and gets the heart pumping.

Home Workouts With Mostly All Body Weight Exercises

Below are short demo videos of each exercise circuited in this workout. Your fitness level will determine the time of your intervals.

Beginners: 30 seconds of activity with 15 seconds of rest
Intermediates: 45 seconds of activity with 10 seconds rest
Advanced: 1:00 activity with 10 seconds rest

How you will interval each exercise to make up this home workout:

Do the exercise one, then exercise 2 and repeat that 3 times. Without rest move on to exercise 3 and 4, and cycle through those 3 times. Do the same for the rest of the workout.

Exercise 1: Lateral hops over a jump rope or imaginary jump rope to target your cardio vascular system. The more you get your arms moving here the more you will get your heart a pumping.
Exercise 2: Push-up into side plank to the right. This sequence targets mostly your chest and your obliques. Push up into side plank to the left. Repeaters. More of a beginner? Place your knees on the floor for your push ups, and your bottom knee on the floor for side plank.

Do the above for 2-3 rounds depending on time and fitness level. Then move on to the next set of exercises:

Exercise 3: Mountain climbers. This exercise targets your shoulders and core. Keep your shoulders over your wrists and drive those knees through your elbows. Beginners, take the move slow.
Exercise 4: Bicycles for them abs! Keep your chin away from your chest and your elbows wide so you are not pulling with your neck and head but using your core.

Do the above for 2-3 rounds depending on time and fitness level. Then move on to the next set of exercises:

Exercise 5: Burpee without a push-up so you can move and get that heart rate UP. Targets your upper body and core and cardio! Beginners, step back and forward and take it slow.
Exercise 6: Triceps dips. Duh, targets the tris. Keep your heart lifted and the head of your arm bones back. No slouching!

Do the above for 2-3 rounds depending on time and fitness level. Then move on to the next set of exercises:

Exercise 7: Bicep holds with a sprint targeting the bis and gets your heart rate kicking! Hold the weight at 90 degrees and keep your elbows in close to your body. Beginners can march here.
Exercise 8: Bicep curls. Grammy had a set of 5 pound weights which worked for exercise #7 for me, but too light for a plain bicep curl for me so I used her resistance bands. Go for full range of motion here.

For a list of the home based equipment I routinely use and why I like it click here.

[youtube id=”7onF3W_NZRE” width=”600″ height=”350″]

[youtube id=”CwHTPA3n6s0″ width=”600″ height=”350″]

High five! You did it and at this point you should be dripping in sweat and breathing very hard.
If not, you didn’t push enough.

If having support, guidance and full on motivator for your wild success in shaping your most fit, happy body lights you up, contact me today to see if you qualify to train with me online in my private group coaching tribe that is experiencing AMAZING RESULTS in their bodies and lives! If you are ready to get in the best shape of your life, you can’t afford NOT to do this! I am not cheap, but I am an amazing value! 😉