A woman in my private VHB (Very Happy Bodies) group that I train online asked me in our monthly activation call yesterday if I recommend just picking up and leaving if you want to make a huge move.
Well, I think everyone’s circumstances are unique and if we think there is any one way only path to anywhere we are potentially cutting ourselves off from tons of support.
However our conversation took off into a magical place and the hour conversation ended with a beautiful meditation around letting go of the need to control.
What the women on the call shared was that they are witnessing a need to control every placement (which is ultimately rooted in fear) and they were ready to let go of that and courageously explore what letting go of the need to control truly feels like.
I think many of us may consider ourselves to be a bit of a “control freak.” One place in my life I know I can let go of this more is in parenting. And that just gets me started. (But that’s another story, heehee. So before I get carried away, let me get back on track).
When I look back at my huge move from Michigan to Kauai in 2003 there are a few profound moments that make a huge impact on my life today.
I am going to share some life lessons I learned in my big move from Michigan to Kauai to inspire YOU to go after your wildest dreams. If these tips worked for me, they WILL work for you too!
Get Clear On Where You Are Going
1. I dreamed about and wished I lived on Kauai for YEARS before I moved here. What finally propelled me? Well, besides being sick and tired of hearing my self murmur that I “wish I lived on Kauai” , I simply set a date! It was in October, 2002 when I declared out loud I would be moving in June, 2003. And I did. I didn’t have anything lined up on Kauai, but I tied up all my lose ends in Michigan and I left in June into the great unknown. No job, house or car awaiting me.
Moral of this story: GET CLEAR so the UNIVERSE can support you.
Ask For Support
2. Three months before I left Michigan I called a friend of my sisters who lived on island. I asked him to keep me in mind if he heard of ANYTHING that would support me; an affordable car, a room to rent. Told him I would be out on Kauai in 3 months and to let me know if he heads of any ways to support my transition on island. I never heard from him and assumed he forgot.
Two days after getting on island he calls me and asks if I am still coming to island. I told him YES I am here, and he hooked me up with a care taking position in a drop dead gorgeous home on acreages of land. The owners of that property are now our close dear friends and I took care of their home and cats for 2 years!
Moral of this story: Ask for support from friends, angles, acquaintances. People WANT to help you they just don’t know how until you ask.
Never Give Up
3. When I got to Kauai teaching yoga proved to be my biggest challenge. I came from not ever having to promote myself. I simply had to show up and the studio would be full of students. I have been blessed to teach at places from friendly YMCAs to private studios to multi million dollar facilities like Equinox and Yoga Works.
But here I was on Kauai, renting community center space for months, making flyers, posting them everywhere I could think of and no one showed up. I balled my eyes out, for months. Ok, maybe longer.
Why was this so hard? But something in my heart KNEW this is what I was meant to do and would do until I was 90 years old and beyond. So I never gave up, got creative, and now I am teaching from a yurt on my property and teaching women all over the world from my humble little abode!
Moral of this story: NEVER give up on your dreams!
Obey The Voice That Lights You Up, NOT The One That Puts You Down
4. When I first got to Kauai I needed to make some money and obviously I was paying to not teach back then (community center rental ain’t free).
I was driving down the highway and passed a zip line your office and my heart leaped, “oh THAT would be fun right now!”
However a voice in my head said, “you have never done that before. They won’t hire you.” (Fear)
But thank goodness I didn’t obey and I turned my car around and went and got the job!
Was it my dream job? Nope. But in that moment it was FUN and would make me money. And it was FUN for a couple of years and supported me financially until other doors opened up for me.
Moral of this story: Tell the voice of fear to go to hell and follow the voice that lights you UP!
If You Don’t Try, How Can God Help You? Try!
Wow, thanks for coming down memory lane with me! And how does all this connect in to letting go if the need to control?
Well, let’s just say that I could NOT have orchestrated a more beautiful ride if I tried. Thank God I have not had to do this all alone and I am so grateful for all if the support, seen and unseen, that has divinely placed me where I am today.
Is there a message in here for you too? Please comment below! I would LOVE to hear about a magical moment in your life too.
Share the story from my FB page if it inspires you please and thank you.
VHB (Very Happy Bodies) Private Online Training
If having my consistent guidance and support on your yoga and fitness journey lights you up; if being held accountable and having direct contact with me to keep you fired up and moving in the direction of your wildest dreams lights you up; if being part of an amazing circle of women who are choosing to live each day fully excites you too, then book a free 30 minute call with me today!
I want to help you get clear on your yoga and fitness goals for a happy, fit body and during this call we will see if you qualify to train with me virtually. Qualifying for this group has nothing to do with your physical ability but it does have to do with how much you are willing to live a life full out! Click here to book your call. But hurry, because these calls book fast!