So today I am sharing 2 tips that will rock your body’s potential. One for yoga and one for overall fitness!
The first tip of this week is something that if you are NOT implementing into your week you may be experiencing burn out, may be feeling over stimulated and may even be loosing some of your inspirational spark!
Some of you may be implementing this first tip of the week often. And if that is you, you are certainly experiencing feeling stuck, feeling heavy and feeling very unmotivated.
The second tip I have for you will help you rock that yoga transition from handstand into a back bend!!!
Samantha’s Fitness Tip Of The Week
This is a practice that you must use like a seasoning to a meal. Too much = ruined. Too little = bland and maybe dull. Where do you fall?
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Please feel free to share this post with friends you know will benefit from hearing this tip! Lets light up the world TOGETHER! Oh, and for fitness tip episode #5 click here.
Samantha’s Yoga Tip: How To Transition From Handstand To Back Bend
This ONE tip will grant you super powers so you can land beautifully with an open heart!
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