handstand at wallReverse engineering a tuck handstand so that learning jump transitions can be easy.

When learning to jump to a handstand from down dog, you may first tuck your legs in before extending them up.

In this demo video my friend Luna and I are showing a powerful way to explore your handstand at the wall, so as to find your “sweet spot” in a solid tuck position.

Once you can own that, you can bring that knowing into other handstand transitions.

My student Jill actually came up with the idea, and I simply refined it by emphasizing some basic, yet powerful alignment tips.

Here’s how you do it:

Tuck Handstand Demo At The Wall

  1. Start by kicking up to a handstand at the wall about one hand distance from the wall.
  2. Hug your legs to the midline.
  3. Keeping one leg solid, strong and hugging the midline, draw the opposite knee to your chest.
  4. Fire up your upper back body and keep your upper arm bones back in space.
  5. The leg that is extended up will be pressing into the wall and as you draw that knee down to meet the other only a small portion of your butt will remain touching the wall.
  6. Magnetize your chest to your thighs and thighs to chest.
  7. Balance here and feel all that is being activated in your body and being.
  8. Come out the way you went in.
  9. Rest in child’s pose.

[youtube id=”eXk97ZY1J3o” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Benefits Of A Handstand

I was recently asked a question on my FB page from Brian. He asked, “What are the benefits of a handstand?” Great question Brian!

Here was my reply: “I believe that the #1 benefit of learning a handstand is the amazing belief it gives someone in the ability to support themselves. This goes beyond the physical and that is what makes it so powerful. Of course there are others like strengthens the upper body, flips the internal organs upside down so that is great for the health of the internal organs keeping them from being sluggish, it focuses the mind which can be calming and they are also stimulating because they are so fun! Once you learn a handstand a whole new world of possibilities opens up as far as transitions and such too. I could go on and on, but there are some that come up for me first.”

Got any questions? Feel free to head over to my FB page and leave your question or comment on my wall. And don’t forget to like my page while you are there so we can stay connected!

Oh, and if you are still learning how to kick up to a handstand, you don’t wanna miss my tutorial series on how to learn a handstand on my YouTube Channel here.

Happy Handstands. Happy New Year!