I just have to give a shout out to the women who rocked this Tuesday’s Bootie Camp class.  We had such a powerful, sweaty, and uplifting class today, inspired by the perseverance of the South Sudanese people.  (Their story is incredibly heart-opening and inspiring to me.)

Really what I wanted to share in this post are the 2 challenges that I put out there in our Bootie Camp class today:

Challenge #1: Drink a full glass of water every morning.  First thing.  Before you drink or eat anything else.  This helps to alkalize our bodies, to flush them out, and to replenish/rehydrate our cells after a night’s rest. One woman in class also suggested to try drinking warm water first thing in the morning, stating that it is nourishing to our kidneys.  (I love the amazing group of woman in this circle!)

Challenge #2: Face a fear this week, daily if you can!  Facing these fears can come in many forms.  Maybe we ask someone their forgiveness that is well overdue, or maybe we speak our voice authentically in a situation where we typically hold back from being fully who we are, or maybe we try surfing, snorkeling, fill-in-the-blank…  We finished class (after a sweat dripping off of every body part kinda class) with a meditation on allowing our breath to soothe our anxieties/fears, so that we can bring our true strength and grace with us into our lives.  I look forward to incorporating this challenge more mindfully into every blessed day.

We had a couple awesome challenges last week, and each week in our Bootie Camp classes I will be offering a challenge or 2 to infuse into our week so that we can consistently live the life that we dare to dream for ourselves.  Authentically, truthfully, petal-to-the metal baby (no holding back, no room for excuses)!!!!

Of course you can infuse these challenges into your week too.  I will share some of them here in this blog-space.  However, I am truly grateful for the group of women that are coming together in these Bootie Camp classes.  We are an inspiration and motivation to each other, and working with our weekly challenges together is gifting us with accountability and encouraging us to take full responsibility for our lives.

As the Indian Proverb goes, “We become the company we keep, so keep good company!”

A Couple Testimonies From My Bootie Camp Mamas/Students

I am always so honored when students share their feeling about classes with me.  These testimonies came in on my Facebook page.  Stay connected with me on Facebook too!

“Samantha You are a motivation and an inspiration! Thanks for a teaching such great classes!” -Lana, owner of Luana Aloha Massage

“Samantha’s boot camp class has been so transforming for my body,mind & spirit. I have been going once a week since January and it is amazing to feel and see the difference in my body. I feel way more strong, more in balance & confident. I am so excited that she is now doing another class on Friday. I hope so see some more ladies working it with us~~Do it for u & do it cuz it feels so good!!! Thanks Samantha for being not only a divine channel to share and inspire but also a high level teacher/friend. ♥ ♥ ♥” -Manaka, inspirational singer/songwriter