IMG_4749_2_2-184x300 (1)Have you ever been in a circumstance where you were so scared of someone not liking you or your presentation or what you have to offer? Doesn’t that kind of fear, or insecurity, suck?! It totally does because it can hold us back from really bringing forth the fullness of who we are, uninhibited and free, in the places of our lives that truly require us to unleash ourselves authentically.

Let me give you an example. I had the privileged of instructing Jennifer Aniston with a series of yoga privates 2 years counting (a couple weeks at a time during the summer season). I was overjoyed for this opportunity. I had been teaching yoga at that point for 12 years and in the seat of the teacher, when it comes to teaching an asana class, I am confident and in my element. I love teaching yoga and fitness with all my heart!

However, as the days came nearer I began to battle with insecurities if I would be an instructor that Jen liked. Little tormenting voices would tell me things like, “She has access to the best of the best in everything, yoga and fitness instructors included. What do you have to offer her?”

After internally processing this ridiculous dialogue for days I finally came to the conclusion that I am going to show up 100% in my own skin, with my own voice, and my unique offering. I am going to offer this private session like I do all others, with a desire to make the practice of being on our mats, in our bodies, a playful and heart expanding experience. I am going to show up naked, not literally silly, but naked to the bone of simply being me. If I stutter, if I fall, if I rip my pants, heehee, then there I am, here I be. I am just going to show up as ME.

Can you feel the freedom in that? Have you given yourself that permission today? To just be YOU, full out, no trying to please someone else, or fit into a mold that society has tried to program us to fit into. JUST BE YOU. There is a freedom in that that can not be experienced when we are trying to please someone else’s needs at the expense of us being real.

Try it. Give yourself that permission. I dare you! Be bold. Be strange. Be sexy or silly, but just be YOU. And you just may find, you may not and that is ok too, that you get invited back again, this time by name.:)