Let us begin with a few deep breaths…….
The first principle in optimal breathing is to inhale and exhale through the nose.
Although this may seem obvious, many people breathe mainly through their mouth, which (among other things) may also adversely affect the development of the thyroid gland.
In alignment with nature, if you watch a new-born baby breath, you will find that they are aligned with this principle naturally. It is through learned patterns that we adopt mouth breathing.
Keeping Yogic Breathing Simple
The olfactory organ, located in the inner nose, is believed by yogis to have the function of absorbing prana from the air. It is via the olfactory organ that prana then becomes circulated throughout the body. Mouth-breathing does now filter the air intake thru this channel, and one’s body becomes cheated of receiving all of this free energy/prana.
Nose-breathing is easy, just keep the lips shut.