from pregnant to tonedI am a mama. I love my baby girl with all my heart and soul. However, I have learned that if I do not make myself a priority, making time to do the things that bring me happiness and joy, then I am doing nobody a favor.

I remember a time when my baby girl was an infant. Somewhere around 6 months old. I had a friend over and we were getting ready for our family’s to go out to dinner and I could not find anything to wear. I felt huge and soft and frumpy. I felt miserable about my body and I let loose sobbing to my dear friend. She assured me that I looked fine but all I could do was sob.

I desperately wanted a body that was firm and strong. My body desired the attention that I was giving to everything else in my life, most of that being my beloved baby girl.

The truth of my matter was that I lived/live in a body that LOVES to move, to sweat and to be challenged to push my limits. I grew up as a competitive gymnast, and it was my routine to play in my body every day. I stayed active all through my pregnancy, but when I had my daughter my routine changed.

Back to the sob story, the one where I was trying to find something to wear to go out to our casual dinner with good friends. At that time I was teaching yoga at a YMCA once a week. I was a new mama and I was struggling getting into this new rhythm. The time for me just didn’t seem to be there, at least not like it use to be, and when it was I think I just wanted to sleep since I wasn’t getting that through the night like I use to.

Hence, my body was fairly sedentary in comparison to my norm. I was not making time for me to do what I really enjoy and love, and my body and my emotional body was paying the price. Can you relate?

There came a point where I finally snapped out of it. You see I had this belief that if I could not work out or enjoy a string of yoga poses for at least 60 minutes then what the heck was the point anyways. This belief kept me from practicing, kept me from sweating, and it literally kept me off my mat and away from my deep desire to give myself some time and my body some attention too.

So I made a new belief! I would show up for 10 minutes at least 5 times each week and see what I could make happen in those 10 minutes. I felt like I could commit to that and that I could make time for that. What happened is that I got effective with those 10 minutes, and many many times those 10 minutes would increase into 15 or even 45! Oh, and in making this consistency part of my week, my energy levels took flight!!!

It was this CONSISTENCY of showing up for myself and making myself a PRIORITY that has made the #1 impact on my physical and emotional well being. Just that alone brought me so much happiness, and a relationship with my body that feels good, that I put effort and loving attention into.

How cool is that?

Now I stick to the same goal for myself. 10 minutes a day, but 6 days a week. However, I can easily stretch those 10 minutes into 60 because I love it. And I currently teach 2 very sweaty 90 minute practices each week too. I am currently very active and it makes me happy! But it all started, and still to this day does, with me be willing to put me on my priority list, and spend at least 10 minutes on my mat.

What excuses are you using that keep you from making the time for you? Would you be so bold to rearrange those beliefs/excuses too? Your body will thank you deeply.

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