Vital energy and life force. Powerful stuff, yeah? They keep us youthful, optimistic and attractive in lots of ways.

Do you know how to burst forth your greatest potential in generating these potent energies in your body and life?

Let me share with you just one secret that I deliberately practice in my day to day routine that gifts me with exuberant energy and mana (Hawaiian for “life force”).

Oh, and although conscious breathing can be one way, that is NOT the secret I am going to share with you today.

Increasing You Energy Naturally

When you strategically use this tip in your day to day life you can transform sluggishness and dullness into creative flow and joyful radiance. You can transform aches and pains that are caused by sitting for long periods of time into more ease and comfort. How awesome are our bodies in this way?

Our bodies were designed to MOVE; to be mobile and free. And when we gift them the space to do so throughout the day, we can:

  • increase circulation
  • lubricate our joints
  • get our hearts pumping
  • receive more oxygen
  • increase our energy
  • lift our spirits

Yes! Our heart, our body and our emotional body are connected. So today I inspire you to GET YOUR HEART RATE FLUCTUATING throughout the day. That’s right, get it moving!

I describe what that means to me here in this short video that I made for you. It is titled with another great benefit. This strategy will BLAST FAT when used strategically in a workout too!

A Workout Strategy To Burn Fat Effectively and Efficiently


When you use this tip effectively in a workout (can even be just 10 minutes long) you can drastically impact the way your body burns fat for up to 24 hours after your workout too!

More on that to come, so make sure you register for my newsletter over there to the right, and subscribe to my YouTube Channel here. I do share different secrets with each portal, so connect in with me in both places.

I truly look forward to staying connected with you! Head on over to my FB page and leave me a message so I can send you my aloha and best wishes today! If you have a favorite way that you infuse vitality and energy into your days, please share that on my page too! I love being inspired by each of you.