IMG_0296I am always so touched when heart felt testimonies come my way.  I aspire to fill each class, and each private session, with a physical practice that meets my student’s needs, AND with a heartfelt intention that invites them to connect to their own hearts and their own goodness.  This is the recipe for personal transformation that expands into making more beauty in this world!

The other week we started another session of Gentle/Prenatal yoga.  The group of students included:  a woman with a plate in her cervical spine, a woman in a full length leg cast, a woman with a couple of ruptured discs in her low back and a pregnant mama!  Yes, what a group!  I guess we could call this class Gentle/Prenatal/Yoga Therapy.

They each brought their courage to try something new, along with a deep desire to understand themselves and their bodies even more.  To experience more freedom.  Here is what one of those students had to say after our first class (via an email to me)…

Testimony for Kauai Yoga And Fitness and Gentle Yoga

Aloha Samantha,

First I want to thank you for the most wonderful class this morning.  While some of the positions were at first a little uncomfortable for this old neck of mine….they were doable and my neck and shoulder really felt more “alive” the entire balance of this day.  I also had energy that I haven’t had in months.  I really am so glad that “Grammy” has kept hounding me to come to your class….now I know why!  You are a blessing!  I look forward to the next three classes and more in the future.

Again, I can’t thank you enough for your knowledge and your talent and your ability to work with so many different kinds of body issues and make it all feel so good and enlightening!  And your “heart” work is awesome as well.

Blessings and Namaste,