Yoga Journal Talent Search And Photo Contest
Yes, I have a dream. I have lots of them and hope you do too. But having dreams is just the beginning really. If we wish to live our lives to our fullest, then we [...]
Focal Points And Balanced Action Yoga Workshop On Kauai
This Sunday, March 27th I am teaching a workshop that I know will enhance your practice. FOCAL POINTS AND BALANCED ACTION: How to get the most awareness and mind-body connection, in every single pose! This [...]
Donation Yoga Class To Raise Money For The People Of Japan
I want to help the people of Japan. And we can do it together! Please join us for a guided yoga practice SUNDAY, MARCH 20th at 10 a.m. in Kilauea Farms. This will be an [...]
Kauai Yoga And Fitness Supports Peace For The Whole Wide World
I wish to take you on a journey. This is story that has impacted me greatly and has moved me deeply. It is about a dream and a big prayer. For Peace. Peace For The [...]
What Does Boot Camp And Yoga Have In Common?
I recently asked a couple of my Bootie Fusion students to put into words what they thought of this particular format because it is quite the paradox of a blend. This Bootie Fusion class, not [...]
Opening Our Hearts, Backbending With Strength and Freedom
Yes, you CAN find bliss in backbends! Sunday, Feb. 13th: 9 a.m. – 12:00 in Kilauea Farms In this 3 hour workshop we will explore the Anusara ™ yoga Universal Principles of Alignment to find [...]
Int. – Advanced Backbend Yoga Workshop On Kauai
On Sunday, Feb. 13th I’ll be teaching an INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCE LEVEL BACK BENDING WORKSHOP!!! Come find freedom in expressing the authentic fullness of your heart through a wide variety of back bending asanas. This [...]
A Testimony From The Heart For Kauai Yoga And Fitness
I am always so touched when heart felt testimonies come my way. I aspire to fill each class, and each private session, with a physical practice that meets my student’s needs, AND with a heartfelt [...]